Firefighters return to station after temporarily closing due to unknown odor

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Firefighters have returned to their station located at the corner of Wentworth and Meeting St. after an unknown odor was identified earlier this month.

The station temporarily closed due to an unknown odor on Wednesday, March 3.

The City of Charleston Parks Department coordinated with a third-party environmental contractor, SM&E, to conduct an air quality survey.

The contractor shared results from lab tests on four of the five gases that were sampled and determined there was detectable amounts of these gases were identified.

The results from the final gas sample also did not indicate any detectable amount of the fifth gas.

Following consultation with SM&E, City Safety, the Parks Department, and Fire Department Command staff, the determination was made that crews could return to the station.

A cause of the odor has not yet been identified, but will continue to be monitored by the Parks Department.

“Our team did what they do best, adapt and overcome,” said Fire Chief Dan Curia. “I appreciate
everyone’s patience as we focused on the health of our team while maintaining service within the