Grace-Miller Moody moves ‘The Voice’ judges with Maroon 5’s ‘Sunday Morning’ Blind Audition

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – A student at the College of Charleston earned a four-chair turn on NBC’s hit show “The Voice” with her blind audition.

From karaoke to the show’s grand stage, contestant Grace-Miller Moody is moving on to the battle rounds.

“There was always just kind of like in the back of my mind that, you know, one chair turn that’s it. That’s all I have to get to make it through the next round and lo and behold, I went up and got four,” said Moody.

Her performance of “Sunday Morning” by Maroon 5 turned each celebrity coach’s chair in less than 30 seconds.

Nervous to sing the song before Adam Levine, the Florence native shared her deep connection to the Maroon 5 band.

“The importance behind that song is that my little brother had cancer. He was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of seven and we all, actually after he got in remission went to a Maroon 5 concert,” shared Moody which made for an easy decision when choosing her coach.

Moody said, “It was obviously Adam Levine, if he turned it was a yes, no matter what because I was singing his song and that just really like lit a fire under me.”

As for who encouraged her to audition for “The Voice” in the first place Moody explained, “My Dad actually was he’s the one that sent me the email of the open calls and was like, you should just try it.”

From performing karaoke to playing gigs around Charleston, Moody is hoping to win over the audience and learn from Levine.

“Being on Team Adam I am looking forward to obviously working with him, knowing that he is just this worldwide superstar and just getting to know him more on a personal level and being able to see the ins and outs of his career and how he’s gone through the music industry, what he’s done to get like where he is,” said Moody.

You can cheer Moody on when she competes in the next round of “The Voice.” The reality competition airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. You can watch it on WCBD.

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Author: Kristina Lobo