Public meeting to discuss Woodland Shores Rd project
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – A public meeting will be held in Charleston County on Monday ahead of the groundbreaking for Woodland Shores and Maybank Highway safety improvements.
Charleston County Public Works officials will discuss project goals, anticipated phasing, timeline, and construction expectations. Officials say attendees will have an opportunity to speak directly with the project team.
The community meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 24 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Murray-LaSaine Montessori School.
The Woodland Shores Road Complete Streets and Maybank Highway Midblock Crossing Project is designed to improve safety and connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists in the area.
Charleston County officials say the expected improvements include:
- Approximately 5,500 linear feet of new sidewalk of varying width on Woodland Shores and Maybank Hwy
- Approximately 5,000 linear feet of new and improved stormwater drainage pipes
- Installation of a new mid-block crossing on Maybank Hwy with high visibility Rectangular Rapid Flashing beacons and a center island refuge
- A new raised landscaped median with fencing to prevent crossing in unsafe areas
The County Council has awarded the project contract to Gulf Stream Construction Company, Inc. The total funding for the project amounts to $3,673,611.68.
Officials state that this funding is sourced from a combination of federal funds, specifically the CHATS grant, state gas tax funds administered by the Charleston Transportation Committee, and the county’s Transportation Sales Tax Annual Allocation Program.
Construction is expected to begin within four to six weeks.
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Author: Zandrea Mays