Restaurant owner, developer working to turn abandoned home into affordable housing unit

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD)– More workforce housing is coming to Charleston as business owners find unique ways to ensure their employees can afford to live where they work. 

A James Island restaurant owner is working to recruit and retain good employees. A big part of that is ensuring they can live where they work. He partnered with a local developer to create affordable housing on Garrison Street. 

“His employees were having a hard time finding housing near their place of work, and so he has been working for Number years. You know, finding housing for his employees and retaining his workforce,” said Duncan Chaney, a co-owner of a Narrow Gate Development.

The project is one of 16 homes redeveloped by the Charleston Homes Program leaders, who said renovating the .37 acre property on Garrison Street will cost roughly $100,000. It will be funded in part by the American Rescue Plan Act. 

“Charleston County received $80 million and is using those funds to revitalize the community. Homelessness is one of the areas that Charleston County Council decided was an area of importance, exceptionally affordable housing. These funds were taken from ARPA to help improve or provide more affordable housing in Charleston County,” said Loella Smalls, director for community development and revitalization for Charleston County. 

Officials said projects like this help solve the affordable housing crisis and make positive progress on another big issue in the Lowcounrty traffic as they reduce commutes and congestion. 

“Our goals are to house folks close to their place, increase their quality of life, and decrease retention rates for cars on the roadway, so it’s just good development practice,” said Chaney.

Click the link below for more information on the properties.

Charleston Habitat for Humanity

Community Development and Revitalization Department: Programs (

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Author: Dalilah James