Air conditioning companies staying busy during high temperatures

GOOSE CREEK, S.C. (WCBD) – People across the Lowcountry are finding ways to stay cool as high temperatures settle into the area.

While many will head out to places like the splash pad at the new Central Creek Park in Goose Creek, others simply want to stay cool in the comfort of their own home. And the constant high temperatures are keeping air conditioning companies on the go.

“This is the busiest time of year right now. We’ve had this heat wave for a couple of weeks. It doesn’t look like it’s gonna be letting up,” said John Carter, who owns LC’s ACs.

Carter has been working out in the heat for many years – so the high temp is nothing new to him. “I’ve been acclimated to it. This isn’t hot to me, it feels good,” he said. “I love this type of weather.”

It’s his job to work out in the heat to keep you cool.

“It can be brutal if you’re used to being inside and working in the air conditioning,” he added.

His company has been dealing with several issues pertaining to air conditioning like capacitors going bad. “This is a capacitator right there and if you can see, it’s a little swoll up right there- capacitators cannot take the heat.”

Carter says one company may charge you a lot more than another to replace a relatively inexpensive capacitor, so seek a second opinion if the price is too high.

“If your unit sounds like it’s humming and then it turns off, cut it off immediately,” he said.

Also, your drain pan in the attic is for emergencies only and should be dry.

“The drain pan that you see in the attic should never have water in it. Never have water in it,” Carter said.

Keep the drain trap pipes cleaned out yourself, or during annual A/C maintenance. Finally, one way to keep your system working properly and efficiently is to regularly change your air filter every month or two.

“Buy this kind of filter here. This is a 1-inch filter. It’s got the pleats that you can lay your fingers between see that? If the plates are really close, the electric bill is going to go high, because it put so much strain on the air conditioner to run,” he explained.

Carter says you may not need a new air conditioner if your system stops working. If you are told you need a new system, it might be worth it to call another company to give you a second opinion.

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Author: Raymond Owens