Charleston Co. School District launches program to combat absenteeism

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County School District announced details on Tuesday regarding a new absenteeism incentive program the district has launched.

Officials in South Carolina say nearly 25% of students across the state were chronically absent during the 2022-2023 school year.

Chronically absent students are half as likely to be on grade level in certain subjects compared to their peers, according to information provided by the Charleston County School District.

To combat this issue, the school district has launched a pilot program called “Be Present S.C.,” which is a 9-week program that offers incentives to keep students in the classroom.

Families could receive money from the district if their child is in school daily.

“The incentive program consists of a $25 reward loaded to a debit card per week for families whose students are in school every day that week,” Superintendent Anita Huggins said Tuesday.

The pilot program per-student cost is $225, which is significantly lower than the $590 per-person cost of traditional interventions.

“All participating schools (AC Corcoran, Ellington, Goodwin, Ladson, Lambs, Midland Park, Morningside, and Simmons Pinckney) reported increased perfect attendance from Week 1 to Week 2,” the school district said.

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Author: Jameson Moyer