Community responds to CCSD eliminating director of intercultural development position
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD)– Monday night at the Charleston County School board meeting, community members spoke out against the board’s decision to eliminate an executive position in their department, due to President Trump rolling back diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Dozens of community members wore green to protest the elimination of the director of intercultural development position. They were frustrated with the lack of transparency from the board and said the decision was an attack on marginalized communities.
“This raises serious questions about leadership accountability and the values you claim to uphold as a district. The decision to eliminate both role and individual issues sends a clear and unsettling message. When there is a difference of opinion certain voices are more expendable than others,” said Viette Atkins, a retired educator.
“What I have seen in the law few days marks not only a reversal of progress but the beginning of decisions that I believe are based out of fear. We are witnessing the politicization of education, and its purpose isn’t to foster a better learning environment for students but to invalidate their character,” said Zuriel Nyamutsaka, a CCSD student.
Superintendent Anita Huggins responded to public comment. She said the district made the decision to avoid losing federal funding.
“To be very honest, the district receives nearly 55 million dollars in funds that primarily support black and brown children. I don’t think that’s what the staff member in that position would have expected me to do given I know her heart and her work in this district,” said Huggins.
But not everyone was satisfied with the superintendent’s response.
“If there is one school district in the whole state that has intercultural affairs that’s Charleston so, why would you get rid of that? Because you were threatened by an order that’s not legally based? South Carolina, Charleston County lose 55 million dollars over one position, that’s not credible that makes no sense must be something else to this,” said Rev. Nelson B. Rivers III, a pastor, Charity Missionary Baptist Church.
“They did not have to make that move because our legal scholars are still examining if these executive orders have teeth. These are being challenged in court so there was no reason for CCSD to act immediately and further than that, we know there is not going to be a discussion about reversal of the decision, they have not offered to meet with the community so it’s like we’re speaking to walls,” said Courtney Waters, a CCSD parent.
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Author: Emma Charles