Charleston County Council to vote on selling Morrison Drive properties

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County Council will vote to approve a deal with the City of Charleston to sell the properties 993 and 995 Morrison Drive.

Officials say this is part of the county council’s Affordable Housing Land Acquisition Grant program to secure land for affordable housing projects in partnership with the Charleston redevelopment corporation.

The plan implements unique strategies working towards the ultimate goal of increasing affordable housing in the area.

It consists of four projects: the West Ashley Multi-Family Workforce, the North Charleston Townhomes, the Murray Hill Accabbe Sacred Site Development, and the East Cooper Tower Drive Site.

Charleston County is set to vote on Tuesday, March 11, regarding the approval of a deal with the city to sell the properties located at 993 and 996 Morrison Drive for the project.

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Author: Zandrea Mays