North Charleston mayor details how he hopes to strengthen community during ‘State of the City’

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Thursday night, North Charleston Mayor Reggie Burgess delivered the 2025 ‘State of the City’ address focusing on how he can grow the city.

In the address, Mayor Burgess spoke about economic development, community relations and strengthening North Charleston’s overall position. He reflected on the progress the city has made in the past year.

“We’re bringing crime down, we’re improving infrastructure, and we’re all the places everyone wants to come,” said Mayor Burgess.

North Charleston has worked to create affordable and workforce housing. The mayor says in the next year they will continue to update zoning and build infrastructure to create more housing in the city.

He spoke about the city’s economic development, citing the 650 millions dollar total valuation in construction projects. Burgess cited Roper St. Francis Healthcare opening a new medical campus, Boeing’s billion dollar investment at the airport and the South Carolina Port’s work on the former naval base as examples of the cities economic achievement.

His goal for the next year is to put North Charleston on the map as a place for South Carolinians to live.

“How North Charleston looks, that’s the number one thing I’m working on: image. That’s why you see my team cleaning out the city, my law enforcement officers working to get folks who can’t live peaceful its a place for them to go , all the other departments working to establish better living opportunities, education and most of all economic engine,” said Burgess.

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Author: Emma Charles