Charleston County School District board proposes teacher salary increase; would make Charleston among top in the southeast region

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County School Board discussed raising teacher salaries on Monday night as they met for the first time in the new year.

Last year, the district passed an $8,000 raise for the 2024-25 school year, making Charleston County one of the highest-paying school districts in the state with a starting salary for teachers of around $56,000.

“I’ve been teaching for 32 years in the district, and never have we seen increases like this, dedication like this- from the board, from the superintendent, so we would just like to continue to see it keep pace with housing in the area, with cost of living in the area,” said Jody Stallings, with the Charleston Teacher Alliance.

Now teachers with 0 to 5 years of experience will see their salary increase to $64,782 and teachers with over five years of experience will see around a $4,000 salary increase.

“We know when our teachers are focused on teaching and learning and not how they’ll pay their bills or about how they’ll prepare dinner, or going to a second job, we know the children in the classroom get the most from focused teachers who are energized around the working elevating outcomes,” said Superintendent Anita Huggins.

Board members said they could increase salaries without cutting funds across any program. This proposed salary raise will make Charleston teachers’ salaries competitive with those of teachers in areas such as Atlanta and Charlotte.

“We are already the highest paying in the state, but it will position us in the southeastern region to lead in the region. It will not only make us more competitive but allow us to select the very best and retain them,” said Leah Whatley, a CCSD board member.

In recent years, Charleston County has seen a decline in the number of young people entering the teaching profession. With higher salaries, the goal is to have more teachers come to Charleston County and stay.

“It’s really important for young people to know it’s a feasible career option. It used to be a common understanding teachers weren’t paid what they deserve but I can see it’s starting to turn. I can see in my own school it has grown, and these students are very interested in being part of one of the best professions out there. I think if students see that it’s something they can afford to live and work and be part of their communities they will definitely pursue it,” said Patrick Martin, a teacher with CCSD.

The Charleston County School Board is also considering expanding employee daycare for FY 2026.

The pay increase was proposed Monday night and will be voted on later this year.

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Author: Emma Charles