Video shows vehicles driving illegally to avoid traffic near Goose Creek charter school

BERKELEY COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – Video of vehicles driving illegally on a road in Goose Creek after backups near a school has gone viral on social media.

A stretch of Henry Brown Boulevard only has one traffic lane in each direction as you approach the Mevers School of Excellence. Several vehicles waiting to get into the school on Wednesday caused the roadway to back up. A few frustrated drivers decided to make their way around the crowd.

A video that was shared with shows a pickup truck driving onto a grassy median and down the side of the road near a bike path to get around the traffic. At the same time, another vehicle rushed in headed down the opposite side of the road as oncoming traffic approached.

The vehicle waited for that oncoming traffic to move over so they could squeeze between the two lanes of traffic.

“I’ve driven through there a good many times- and I drive through there on my way to school in the mornings… until this year… and I went to a different school this year just because of that traffic,” said JohnJoe Salazar, who drives through the area regularly.

Salazar’s kids do not attend Mevers School of Excellence, but he does drive through this area regularly.

“That road is a bypass to the congestion on 52. So, when they were building that road, I said well, this is great. They’re finally gonna put in a four-lane highway and alleviate the pinch point and the congestion,” he said.

Salazar says rather than a four-lane highway, the road remained two lanes.

“So, then you go there and they’re finishing out the road, a two-lane road, they’ve got nice little bushes and what not, and then they have this massive walking/golf cart trail that nobody’s on,” he said.

The Goose Creek Police Department said Wednesday’s traffic was in part due to a schedule change at the school for that day. The agency said they do not usually receive many complaints about traffic from the school.

Salazar said that while he does not agree with how these two drivers chose to move around traffic, he can certainly understand why people are frustrated.

“I’m not condoning that but come on people. Get your heads in the game, and alleviate congestion. We don’t need bike trails and walking trails. People aren’t walking and biking. They’re driving to school. They’re driving to work, and we’re sitting in traffic for hours and hours on a regular basis. That’s what you saw there. Those drivers- they’re just frustrated. It doesn’t make it right, that was a stupid decision obviously, but that’s why,” said Salazar.

Dismissal at Mevers School of Excellence is at 3 p.m. You can find an early-release schedule for the school by clicking here.

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Author: Tim Renaud