New cell phone policy for DD2 students
DORCHESTER COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Dorchester District Two Board of Trustees established new regulations for using cell phones in schools at their Monday night meeting.
Board officials decided children in elementary and middle school cannot possess a cell phone on school property during the instructional day. The district made an exception for students who need a cell phone for legitimate medical reasons.
The principal of each school will determine what constitutes a legitimate medical reason.
High school students are permitted to possess cell phones on campus and can use them before and after school, during transition times, and during lunches.
Officials say any violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action.
This comes after the South Carolina Department of Education handed down an order that cell phone policies be implemented, or the school district will be threatened with a loss of state funding.
To view DDTwo’s new policy, click here.
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Author: Heather Olinger