Lucy Beckham High receives News 2 Cool School award

Providing students with a long list of options and unique opportunities in an engaging environment, Charleston County School District’s Lucy Beckham High School is our last Cool School for this school year. LBHS receives the News 2 Cool School award.

Stellar academics, activities, school spirit, and pride take center stage at Lucy Beckham High School. Lucy Beckham is wrapping up their fourth year, with nearly 18 hundred students. In addition to twenty different AP courses, the school has unique programs, including a Vet Science program, Coast Guard JROTC, ceramics, and building construction. Students thrive in an encouraging environment as school pride is always on full display at Beckham.

Congratulations Lucy Beckham High School!

Even though the school year is winding down, you can still send in your nominations for a Cool School or educator. Send an email to Octavia Mitchell at [email protected].  They will have a chance to be featured this upcoming school year.

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Author: Octavia Mitchell