Bulldozer operator dies after falling into coal pile Thursday night
GEORGETOWN, S.C. (WCBD) – A bulldozer operator who fell into a coal pile at a Santee Cooper facility in Georgetown has died.
Georgetown County Coroner Chase Ridgeway identified the man as Cody Jordan, 24.
Mr. Jordan died from injuries sustained after the ground collapsed. His autopsy is at the Medical University of South Carolina on Tuesday.
Emergency crews were dispatched to what Georgetown County officials said was a trench collapse involving a bulldozer Thursday night at the Winyah Generating Station off Steam Plant Drive.
Tracy Vreeland, a Santee Cooper spokesperson, said a contractor with Emcor was on a bulldozer on top of a coal pile when the ground let out, causing the worker to fall into the coal below.

“Search efforts began immediately and remain underway this morning. This is a difficult situation, and our thoughts and prayers go out to all involved and to their families. The operator works for a contractor that Santee Cooper has used for years,” Nicole Aiello, communications manager for Santee Cooper.
Multiple agencies from the surrounding area responded to the facility. Once the bulldozer was exposed, county officials said personnel searched the operator compartment and the adjacent exterior area.
“Following this search, first responders met with facility personnel and determined that due to the instability of the area [there was a] need to develop a removal plan for the bulldozer,” county officials said.
Santee Cooper said it will conduct a thorough investigation to determine what happened.
Details about the search have been limited. Count on 2 for updates.
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Author: Tim Renaud