SCDNR closes portions of Deveaux Bank to protect nesting coastal birds
CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – An island that sits at the mouth of the North Edisto River is temporarily closed to protect nesting coastal birds — violators could face fines and jail time.
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) said the closure of Deveaux Bank Seabird Sanctuary happens annually based on bird activity and suitable nesting habitat on the island.
Nesting has already begun for thousands of brown pelicans, according to SCDNR. Last year, Deveaux Bank hosted more than 3,000 pelican nests, which officials said accounted for three-quarters of the state’s nesting pelican population. It also made up the largest pelican colony on the Atlantic coast.
SCDNR biologists observed this week royal, sandwich, least, and gull-billed terns and black skimmers flying low over the island as they searched for a space in the sand to form their nesting colonies.
“Deveaux Bank often supports more nesting terns and skimmers than any other site in South Carolina, making it one of the most important islands in the region for seabird survival,” said SCDNR. “Seabirds nest on remote beaches that have little vegetation and lay their eggs directly on the sand during spring and summer months from April to July (or to October for brown pelicans).”
Every part of Deveaux Bank is used by the seabirds, including the intertidal zone. SCDNR said the wet sandy beaches are key to successful reproduction and migration because birds use them for courtship, resting, and raising chicks.
“In addition to its nesting birds, Deveaux Bank also hosts tens of thousands of declining migratory shorebirds, including red knots, piping plovers, and whimbrels, in need of rest and food. Quiet beaches that are free of predators and disturbance are essential to their survival during long journeys to and from their nesting grounds,” explained SCDNR. “Shorebirds feed in the intertidal sandy and muddy shoals on invertebrates such as marine worms, clams, and horseshoe crab eggs.”
The island is closed during the nesting season because of its regional importance to many birds of high conservation concerns, except for the southwest tip closest to Edisto Island. Dogs are not allowed on any part of the property at any time.
Signs are posted on high ground around Deveaux Bank indicating closed areas; however, SCDNR said the interior and intertidal sandflats cannot support such signage – but they remain closed to all landing and foot traffic.
The public is asked to abide by the closures and should report any violations to the SCDNR Law Enforcement Hotline at 1-800-922-5431. Failure to comply can result in fines of up to $465 and 30 days in jail.
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Author: Tim Renaud