7 sea turtles receiving treatment at SC Aquarium as stranding season begins
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – As stranding season begins, the South Carolina Aquarium said it has seen a large uptick in sea turtle admissions to its Turtle Care Center in recent weeks.
Melissa Ranly, who manages the SC Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Care Center, said seven turtles were admitted in rapid succession with each needing individualized treatments and care.

“It’s clear that sea turtles have arrived along the South Carolina coast and are facing some unforgiving impacts out there. And it’s fitting this is all happening during Earth Month, a poignant reminder of the intrinsic link between water, wildlife and wild places and our role in the world, too,” said Ranly, adding that the care center was ready and waiting to welcome more sea turtles into their care.
This year’s naming theme for sea turtle patients is breakfast foods.
Hashbrown, a juvenile green sea turtle was the first patient to arrive at the Sea Turtle Care Center. Hashbrown was “smothered and covered” in mud and epibiota, which officials with the SC Aquarium said indicated it had been sick for some time.
After Hashbrown’s intake, the center received four greens and two Kemp’s ridleys that are undergoing rehabilitation.
- Biscuit, a juvenile green that washed ashore debilitated, underweight, dehydrated, covered in epibiota, with lesions on the neck and shoulders, a dislocated flipper and a damaged flipper.
- Eleanor, a juvenile green that arrived with a hook in her/his flipper.
- Strudel, a juvenile green that washed ashore severely lethargic and emaciated, with corneal ulcers in both eyes.
- Frittata, a juvenile green that was stranded, covered in sand and epibiota and had a severe ear infection.
- Poptart, a juvenile Kemp’s ridley that was caught on hook and line deep in the esophagus and needed surgery upon admit.
- Pancake, a juvenile Kemp’s ridley that was also caught on hook and line in the flipper and had ingested plastic.
The SC Aquarium’s team of biologists, veterinarians and dedicated volunteers are working to provide care to rehabilitate these sick and injured turtles.

Guests visiting the SC Aquarium can witness efforts in action and come face-to-face with current sea turtle patients, read their stories, and learn how to protect them.
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Author: Tim Renaud