Parker’s files motion to kick Beach family attorneys out of civil case

HAMPTON COUNTY, S.C. (WSAV) – “They have turned this lawsuit into a multi-front war against Parker’s.”

That’s what the convenience store chain is saying about Mark Tinsley and Tabor Vaux, the lawyers for the family of Mallory Beach in a motion filed in Hampton County court Wednesday.

The corporation says it has gotten so bad Parkers wants a judge to toss the pair of attorneys off the case.

“The Beach family stood on the causeway for eight days while their daughter’s body was in the water,” said Mark Tinsley during Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial. “I don’t know that there’s any amount of money that would somebody would willingly take to go through what they’ve gone through.”

Those are the words of Mark Tinsley while on the stand during Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial.

He is talking about the family of Mallory Beach. Mallory was tossed from a boat during a crash back in 2019. A boat driven by Paul Murdaugh, who according to investigators was drunk at the time.

A motion filed by Parker’s to remove Tabor Vaux and Mark Tinsley from the civil lawsuit

Murdaugh was underage and was caught on security camera using his brother’s ID at Parkers that day to buy enough alcohol for all six teens on board that boat that night.

While several parties originally named in the suit, including the estate of Maggie Murdaugh, have settled with the Beach family, Parkers and Alex Murdaugh want to go to trial.

Parkers says Tinsley and Vaux should not be allowed to represent the family or be on the case at all.

Mark Tinsley
Tabor Vaux

The motion says in part that “Tinsley should be disqualified based on (1) his improper receipt and review of Parker’s privileged documents; (2) his improper disclosure of privileged information and materials; and (3) his improper communications with a represented person in a related lawsuit. Further, Vaux should be disqualified based on his improper receipt and review of Parker’s privileged information.”

The motion adds that Tinsley and Vaux have “repeatedly ignored their ethical obligations in the interest of gathering whatever ammunition they can fire at Parker’s”. Adding that they have “tainted the fairness of the proceedings.”

Mark Tinsley sent this statement to News 3 in response to the motion:

“This motion is a part of a calculated play by Parker’s to derail the upcoming trial based on half truths and outright misrepresentations. When a person thinks his money entitles him and he is used to acting with impunity, then accountability may seem like injustice. Since the law and the facts are not on their side, Parker’s has obviously decided to continue to attack the Beach family and its counsel. We look forward to demonstrating to the court all of the many lies in the motion.

Judge Daniel Hall has already denied Parker’s motion for summary judgment, which would have thrown the case out of court.

He has also stopped Alex Murdaugh from using more of his 401k money for his own defense. A decision he has now denied “twice”.

The Beach family vs Parkers and Alex Murdaugh is supposed to go be heard in a Hampton County court August 14.

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Author: Andrew Davis