Benedict College Jazz Ensemble performs at Burke High School

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The Benedict College Jazz Ensemble performed for students at Burke High School on Thursday morning.

Leaders hope that by bringing the band to area schools, students will learn to use music as a mechanism to make them become better citizens.

“It’s important for us to honor what Benedict College has achieved over the years. Our marching band is now world-renowned, and I think that it is important for younger students, like Burke High students, to see what you can achieve if you ‘do,’ and ‘do’ stands for discipline and order,” said Charleston City Councilman William Dudley Gregorie.

Two-time Grammy Award winner Charlton Singleton (Ranky Tanky) served as guest conductor during Thursday’s performance.

“Music is a universal language and it’s very, very gratifying to see a conductor of the status of Charlton conducting the Benedict Jazz Band,” the councilman said. “I think it’s great for him to be out here with our young people and show them what we can achieve through music.”

Benedict College graduate and community leader, Kevin Hollinshead, said they hope to make the school performances an annual event.

“The assistant band director for the Marching Tiger Band, Ronald T. Green, is a graduate of Burke High School. So, it does something to show the students here that someone who came up through their own ranks can go to national acclaim the way he did,” said Hollinshead.

The Jazz Ensemble is scheduled to perform at Stall High School on Friday morning.

150 members of Benedict College’s Marching Tiger Band of Distinction performed in New York City during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade last November.

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Author: Tim Renaud