3 students had loaded guns on Dorchester District 2 campuses this week
SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – Three students, each accused of having loaded guns on campus, were arrested at Dorchester District 2 schools over the last few days.
District leaders and law enforcement officials gathered to highlight the district’s security procedures, emergency preparation, and strong relationship with law enforcement.
Officials said they are glad that – so far – none of these incidents have been worse than they have been. But some parents say they need more information. They want more steps taken to address the problem.
A student was found Tuesday in possession of a gun with 11 bullets at Ashley Ridge High School.
At Summerville High School on Wednesday, a tip came in about a photo taken off campus that showed three students with firearms. District officials were able to locate two students with loaded guns – both were arrested.
A third student involved in that incident did not have a gun on campus, and the firearm they were pictured with was a BB gun.
“We need help from the families to help us keep these weapons out of our schools, and just understand that we will use the full force of our law enforcement partners to do what we have to do to make sure we send a message – a loud and clear message,” said DD2 Superintendent Dr. Shane Robbins.
Parents say they were not given very much information on Wednesday’s incident. And the district did not send much information to news outlets.
Superintendent Robbins said they may make some changes in how information is distributed.
“We will have discussions on what those messages look like, and the timing of those being sent out and the mechanism by which they’re being sent out,” he said.
One parent of two Summerville High students said she wants to see metal detectors at their school.
“If you look at any research based on articles on safety in schools, I’ll just put it this way look at the number of entry and exit points we have a Summerville High School. It’s over 100,” Robbins said.
“I agree with Dr. Robbins. I agree that the challenges- all those points of entry,” added Chief Deputy Samuel Richardson with the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office.
So, what is being done? Law enforcement gun sniffing K9s is one idea they have seriously considered.
“Yes, dogs are an answer. There’s also artificial intelligence out there that can actually look through camera systems and see particular bulges on people’s clothing — that’s being used right now in Europe, and other parts of the United States,” said Chief Doug Wright with the Summerville Police Department.
Officials said they cannot publicly discuss everything they are doing to try and prevent these crimes.
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Author: Raymond Owens