Black Friday forecast: Cloudy and rainy for shoppers

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Headed out the door for Black Friday shopping? You might need a jacket as the day starts with temperatures from the hi-50s to low-60s and a steady chance of rain through the afternoon.

Black Friday shoppers in the Lowcountry may see off-and-on showers and cloud covers through the morning.

Storm Team 2 Meteorologist Josh Marthers said temperatures will be in the low-60s by 11 am. and mid-60s by the afternoon.

There is also a steady 60% chance of rain through the afternoon.

“Highest rain probability is between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. then that tapers off as we move into the late afternoon and evening hours,” Marthers said

Saturday’s weather will be mostly clear with sunshine, light winds, and temperatures from the mid-to hi-60s.

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Author: Dianté Gibbs