Charleston Councilman says leadership responsible for deterring violent crime

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Five people are recovering after a shooting on King Street in Downtown Charleston over Labor Day weekend. Two people have been arrested following the event. City leaders say the incident highlights the need for an increased focus on deterring violent crime in the Holy City.

Councilman Mike Seekings shared strong words after Sunday’s early morning shooting, saying those looking to cause mayhem have no place in Charleston.

“If you’re coming to Charleston to create trouble, the days of doing that are over,” says Councilman Seekings.

Seekings acknowledges leadership across the board has to be better.

“We’re better than that,” says Councilman Seekings. “We’re definitely better than that. And we’re going to continue to be better than that, and I will be out here every single night on this street and till we prove that we are better than that.”

Councilman Seekings says police, elected officials, and local judges need to step up to deter violent offenders while tackling the issues of illegal guns and repeat offenders roamingjk Charleston’s streets.

“Making sure that people who come here to do things that they shouldn’t be doing are held accountable and that’s what we’ve got to do and that starts here not anywhere else,” says Councilman Seekings.

More than a year ago, sweeping changes were made to King Street following several violent crimes. Councilman Seekings says the changes may need to go one step further.

“We’ve seen too much of it over the last two years; there have been nights where it’s just been ridiculous,” says Councilman Seekings.

The changes already in effect include one-way traffic and an increased police presence with additional lighting. The Charleston Police Department says violent crime has decreased since the changes were implemented. As with any other crime, they’re pursuing every lead to find those responsible for Sunday morning’s shooting.

“We’re making every effort to reduce crime and all these changes that we’ve made have had a positive impact in that area overall,” says Sergeant Elizabeth Wolfson with the Charleston Police Department.

Even with Charleston police saying violent crime is down, Councilman Seekings, much like he was Sunday night, says he plans to be on King Street every night until the message has been received.

“If you come here you’re going to be met with stiff resistance, harsh consequence,” says Seekings. “Illegal guns, illegal activity that isn’t here to better our city has no place and we’re over it.”

Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg released a statement Sunday saying “enough is enough” and that the senseless violence has to stop. Mayor Tecklenburg went on to say city leaders have to be held accountable but that a large part of changes will have to come from state leaders to weed out illegal guns and repeat offenders.

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Author: Riley Benson