Law enforcement cracking down on unsafe drivers ahead of labor day

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The 100 Deadly Days of Summer is coming to a close, but there’s one more green light to get through, Labor Day Weekend.

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, law enforcement agencies typically see an increase in car accidents, fatalities on roadways, DUIs, and other dangerous driving behavior. South Carolina Highway Patrol (SCHP) Trooper Nick Pye says it’s because teen drivers are out of school, more people are traveling for vacations, and there are more people on the roads in general.

“You also throw in concerts and things like that, people drinking and driving,” said Trooper Pye.

There are three main contributing factors to car accidents.

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence

“People have to understand driving is the most dangerous thing you do on a daily basis and we want your full undivided attention,” said Trooper Pye.

Year to date, there have been 665 fatalities on South Carolina roads. Trooper Pye says that is a decrease of 110 from the same time last year, but even one death is too many.

“Out of that number, 453 individuals had access to seatbelts. The shocking number and what’s crazy to me is that over half those people that had access to seatbelts were not wearing them.”

According to The South Carolina Department of Public Safety, the total number of collisions during the 100 Deadly Days of Summer decreased from 36,652 in 2019 to 34,814 in 2020. However, the number of people killed rose from 266 in 2019 to 361 in 2020. The top three contributing actions leading to collisions were driving too fast for conditions; failure to yield the right of way; and driving under the influence.

Ahead of the holiday weekend, SCHP and other area law enforcement agencies are planning extra enforcement efforts to keep drivers safe.

“We’re going to be out and about. It’s an all-hands-on-deck type situation through checkpoints and interstate enforcement and things like that,” said Trooper Pye.

The Summerville Police Department is also increasing patrols and will be conducting checkpoints on Friday night.

“The goal of having checkpoints is, obviously, to get impaired drivers off the road. We want everyone to be safe,” said Lieutenant Chris Hirsch, the Public Information Officer for the Summerville Police Department. “We don’t want anybody to lose their life.”

According to Summerville PD, statistically, South Carolina is one of the most dangerous states in the country to drive, with nearly half of all fatal accidents involving an impaired driver.

The checkpoints will start at 8 pm Locations will be South Main Street, Boonehill Road, North Maple Street, West 5th North Street, and Brighton Park Blvd.

To stay safe on the roads this holiday weekend, you are encouraged to have a plan ahead of time if you are going out to celebrate.

“It’s become easier I think. We’re in the year 2022, everyone has a phone. Download the Uber or Lyft app, call a family member, a friend, or go the old-fashioned route and call a taxi. Have somebody come pick you up,” said Lt. Hirsch.

Trooper Pye is reminding people to be extra safe this holiday weekend.

“I think the biggest thing is to be patient. There’s going to be a lot more traffic on the roadways. Everybody’s trying to get to where they want to go so just be patient, drive the speed limit, and make sure your vehicle is in good working order.”

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Author: Katie Augustine