Flags at South Carolina statehouse lowered in honor of Florence Co. paramedic killed in crash

FLORENCE, S.C. (WBTW) — A 71-year-old woman was arrested Friday on two charges of reckless homicide after authorities said she drove through the scene of an accident Tuesday night, killing paramedic Sara Weaver and the injured motorcyclist she was treating, Cedric Gregg.

The charges could carry up to 10 years each.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said on Friday that flags would be lowered Saturday at the statehouse in honor of Weaver.

“Our prayers are with her family and loved ones, along with Cedric Gregg’s, whose life was also cut short by this terrible tragedy,” McMaster tweeted.

An official confirmed to News13 that Williams had previously been charged in connection with a case of abuse at the Pee Dee Regional Center, an assisted living facility.

According to SLED, Williams saw two employees drag a resident by their ankles from the dining room to their bedroom and said nothing.

Williams, who was a mandatory reporter, was charged with failure to report abuse of a vulnerable adult.

James Garcia, a former paramedic who created and helped implement move-over laws across the country, said he was disappointed her charges didn’t include a violation of that law as he believes it could raise awareness for the issue.

“The law is when you see flashing lights, slow down, move over and be prepared to stop,” he said. “That’s what you’re supposed to do.”

He said Weaver is one of more than 30 first responders to be killed by a driver while working a scene so far in 2022, and drunk or distracted drivers only make up a small fraction of those cases.

“More than 70% are by aggressive drivers — people who are angry or in a hurry. The people who say, ‘Oh, it’s an accident, I need to pass five or six people before I get over,” Garcia said. “‘I’m not going to get behind somebody.’ That’s who is killing us.”

Garcia said he was struck by a driver while working as a paramedic in Lexington in 1994 and has since dedicated himself to advocacy.

“Now, years after, I am retired and am teaching,” he said. “But when you see those headlights coming at you, you are always in the mood to run and jump because the drivers are getting more aggressive and the vehicles are becoming bigger and faster.”

Joye said Williams crossed into oncoming traffic and bypassed stopped cars as she approached the scene.

“Impatient? I don’t know,” Joye said. “I’m being honest with you. I’m transparent. I don’t know why, but she did it. Two fatalities, and we’re blessed that we didn’t have nine.”

Garcia said he wants to see PR campaigns take promote move over laws in the same way drunk or distracted driving is discouraged.

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Author: Jack Bilyeu