DD2 releases surveys on superintendent candidates

DORCHESTER, S.C. (WCBD) – Dorchester School District Two (DD2) on Thursday released the results of two surveys regarding the recent superintendent search.

The first survey was conducted after meet and greets were held with the three finalists: Dr. Brenda Hafner, Dr. Todd Trimble, and Dr. Shane Robbins, who was selected by the board to serve as superintendent.

1,046 people were surveyed, including 485 parents, 284 teachers, 101 support staff, 91 community members, 54 district office staff, 29 principals, and three unknown.

Dr. Robbins received 39.1% of the votes (409), followed by Dr. Hafner with 35.2% (369) and Dr. Trimble with 24.56% (257). 11 people did not vote.

A second survey was given after each finalist presented a 10-minute presentation.

1,007 people were surveyed: 413 parents, 323 teachers, 111 support staff, 61 community members, 55 district office staff, 42 principals, and two unknown.

The second time around, Dr. Hafner received 40.32% of the votes (404), followed by Dr. Trimble with 38.02% (381) and Dr. Robbins with 21.66% (217). Five people did not vote.

Both surveys were accompanied by a series of comments about the candidates.

The surveys made clear that they were not official votes, but rather a means of taking the temperature of the community.

Ultimately, board members voted in favor of Dr. Robbins, though some expressed concern that the results of the surveys were not made public before the decision was made.

The specifics of Dr. Robbins’ contract are currently under negotiation.

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Author: Chase Laudenslager