MUSC, The Citadel partnering for innovative medical program
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and The Citadel are partnering to “form a core team of medical students, residents, and Citadel cadets and students to develop innovative products focused on increasing the health of South Carolinians.”
Students from the MUSC Department of Surgery Human-Centered Design Program (HCD) and The Citadel Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business, Innovation Lab will collaborate in the creation of “patentable or registerable projects.”
HCD head, Joshua Kim, will “work with design teams of surgeons, residents, engineers, and business development trainees based on design initiatives presented by surgeons and residents.”
The organizations have a history of working together to meet community needs.
When masks were scarce during the COVID-19 pandemic, the HCD developed plans for 3D-printed masks, which the Innovation lab printed. They contributed over 500 masks to healthcare workers in the region.
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Author: Chase Laudenslager