Phase 1B of COVID-19 vaccine appointments begin on Monday

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – Phase 1B includes teachers, cancer patients, pregnant women, and those with a body mass index that is more than 30.

“There’s underlying health issues, they can either have diabetes or HIV, things that would be causing them to have a compromised immune system,” says Kenneth Perry, Lowcountry Emergency Physician.

This next phase includes frontline workers that are in close contact with others.

“People who work at the grocery stores or work pretty closely within 6 feet of people and are not able to do their jobs from afar,” he says.

Dr. Perry says the opportunity for teachers to be vaccinated means progress for getting students back in the class 5 days a week.

“We are going to be able to have kids back to a normal lifestyle and in a way we are going to have something that we are going to be able to really be a little bit more adaptable,” he says.

He believes getting those in this phase vaccinated means we are moving closer to the end of the pandemic.

“We are running towards the finish line with this and the more people we can get vaccinated and keep them out of the risk pool, I think we are going to have a much better option,” Dr. Perry says.

He suggests that everyone should continue to follow protocols including wearing a mask and social distancing even after you are fully vaccinated.